dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010

My italian friend is Lorenzo Vacca. He is from San Gavino Monreale.He and I are quite, but our be haviour is very different. He is more comedian, my family and I laugh a lot with him.
My life is quieter, but Lorenzo is more active. In my house we speak catalan, but italian is similar and we speak with Lorenzo in Italian. This summer holiday, me and my family go to Sardenya to visit Lorenzo and his family. I will never forget this experience.
By Albert Cabrera
Andrea García
dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010
National Parks in Catalonia

Aigüestortes has 272 lakes, the greatest concentration in the Peninsula. The largest lake is Estany de St Maurici surrounded by mountain pine, and the twin peaks of Els Encantats.
The climate is alpine with a mean annual rainfall of 900 to 1,300mm, according to the altitude (1,500-3,014m).
Vegetation and fauna.
The vegetacion is caracteritzed by woodlands. That are so big. The Pine woodland are the most. In terms of fauna; that is caracteritzed y the salamander and the common frog. (Normal frogs)
The church of the Asunción del Cóll and the Saint's churches of St Climent and Sta. Maria de Taüll have the most important wall paintings of the Catalan Romanesque. All of them are constructions of the XIth, XIIth and XIIIth centuries, carried out by painters proceeding from Italy.
diumenge, 21 de març del 2010
National Parks in Catalonia

Pedraforca is a mountain very beautiful of the Pirineu. It’s in the natural park “Cadí-Moixeró”.
In it there are a lot of animals; the rabbit, squirrel, fox, and more others.
A lot of people go to Pedraforca to climb it, beacuse is a famous mountain in Catalonia and on other countries.
There are two tops on the mountain, making an U.
A legend says long time ago on the top of mountain, every night, some witches dancing and spelling. There were two groups of witches, and there were in war. So one night, the witches were making so noise, then, Sant Miquel down of the heaven and cut the mountain, separating the two groups of witches.
dijous, 18 de març del 2010
National Parks IN Catalonia
Zone of land, generally of triangular shape, that the alluviums of a river from to this mouth.Now we explain some things about a very important delta ni Spain: Delta de l'Ebre.
It is in Tarragona province on the coast, of the Mediterranean between the comarques of Low Ebre and the Montsià. This place has got 320km2 of surface and it's made by nature. The flora is very varied and there grow plants suchas salicòrnia, Salsona, donzell, bord.
National Parks in Catalonia

The monastery is Catalonia's most important religious retreat and groups of young people from Barcelona and all over Catalonia make overnight hikes at least once in their lives to watch the sunrise from the heights of Montserrat. Virgin of Montserrat (the black virgin), is Catalonia's favourite saint, and is located in the santuary of the Mare de Deu de Montserrat, next to the Benedictine monastery nestling in the towers and crags of the mountain The Escolania, Montserrat’s Boys’ Choir, is one of the oldest in Europe, and performs during religious ceremonies and communal prayers in the basilica.