dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009



The healty eating is very important for the growth and body desebolupament. To consist of eating a bit of very things; a litle bit of meat, fish and eggs, a litle bit of sweets and butter, ans a lot off: bread, pasta, pulse, rice, cereals; and very important to a lot off fruit ans vegetables.

The diet Mediterrania is and exemple of and a very healty food. In this is very varied food. For example: paella has got a rice, seafood, meat and vegetables. And a other example is truita de patates, this has got a potatos, eggs and onnion


This is a very popular plate in Catalonia. In this foot we find pulse and meat. In the past, the farmer’s eated this foot becouse there are a lot of vitamins. Is a easy for make but ech family prepare this plate acording to I’ts tast.
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 1 sausage of 500g or 2 of 250g.
- 500g of beans of ganxet cooket
- ½ small glass of olive oil.
- 100g of bacon
- 1 or 2 arlic.

1st- We put oil in a pan and waiting. When the oil is hot, cook the sausage from 5 or 10 minutes.
2nd_ When the sausages finish, put more oil in the pan and cut the garlic in small dices and puttit in the pan.
3rd- When the garlic is gold, putit the bacon in small pieces too. Wait from 2 to 5 minuts.
4th- Put the beans with the garlic and bacon and mixt. Then saute all. Wait 5 minuts approximately. All depen of the taste of any person.
5th- Put the sausage on a beautifull plate on a side and in center put the beans. When you prepared the plate, before to service inclose a litle bit of oil and parsley on the beans.

Andrea Garcia and Xènia Armengol

Anna Capdevila and Maria Ortuño


You have to eat a healthy diet for the body and the mind. A healthy diet consists of eating a little of everything: meat, fish, vegetables, grains ...

Spanish potato omelet is a dish of eggs and potatoes. The name comes beacouse is like a cake or pancake.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 persons) :

- 4 eggs
- 3 potatoes of average size
- 1 onion
- 2 spoonfull of olive oil
- ½ spoonfull of salt


Cut the potatoes and the onion in slices, then salt it. Put the potatoes and the onion in one paella with the oil and let fry over low fire until they are soft, meanwhile, beat the eggs and mix it up and put salt. Then put in the paella.When it is done reverse side with a plate and let it do the other side. When done remove it from paella and allow to cool.

Núria Navarro and Júlia Solé